Charles II and the nature of the restored monarchy

  • Created by: lou9119
  • Created on: 04-02-18 17:56

Problems of Succession

C accepted need for clear succession to be established before his death The Humble Petition had been passed in the context of assasination plots against him. As the IoG made provisions for an elective succession, it appeared Major General Lambert would be the successor but military rule was not desired by P.

Shortly before his death in 58 C declared that his inexperienced son, Richard, sould become LP bypassing is more qualified son Henry.

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Political Vacuum after Cromwell's death

As soon as he succeeded his father RC summoned the brief Third Protectorate P to meet Jan 59. Richard was a civilian and so had no experience of warfare, therefore unacceptable to the Council of Officers who forced him to resign in 59 and then recalled the Rump. They appeared t ave learned nothing from their past failures and te ruling minority began disintergrating. In Oct the army closed it down by force.

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Negotiations for the return of monarchy

General Monck: The leader of the army in Scotland, former Royalist but had worked closely with C. Feared that the country was sliding towards military rule, he assembled an army to bring the Rump to power again.

Return of the Long Parliament: Army sent force north under Lambert to counter treat of Monck but other members of the army reinstated the Rump once again. Lambert lost support and was set to the tower, Monck entered England in Jan 60. Against wishes of the R, he moved to reverse Pride's Purge. In March he restored Long Parliamet voted to dissolve itself, leading to elections for the Convention Parliament.

Convention Parliament and the Restoration: Newly elected P included a number of Royalists and excluded Republicans wo were involved in gov since Charles' execution. It was accepted that monarchy sould be resotred; althoug Monck ad begun secret negogiations with CII. Charles sent is own proposals for a settlement, the Dec of Breda, and this was accepted bt MPS.

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Why was Charles restored?

  • It has been argued that a rejection of the repblican governments of the 50s was inevitable after the return to one-man rule under C.
  • There was fear of another cw in the context of the political uncertainty of 59.
  • The number of radical religious groups alarmed the PN in the late 50s. In 59 there was as many as 60,000 Quakers.
  • Republic had collapsed so quickly, it was essetial to men of property that a stable government be restored.
  • Charles' Dec of Breda made im look like an attractive option. He offered religious toleration and payment of arears to the army.
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