Biology - Building Blocks of Life



To work out the magnification of something you do:

Magnification = image size divided by real size. 

In steps to work out a magnification question:

1. rearrange the formula

2. fill in the values that you know

3. remember the units in your answer

4. convert the units. 

Image size = magnification x real image size

image size = 100 x 50

                  = 5000um

                  = 5mm

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There are many ideas to the cell. Here are the main features:

Nucleus: contains the genetic material that controls the activities of the cell. 

Cytopalsm: gel - like substance where most of the chemical reactions happen. 

Cell Membrane: holds the cell together and controls what goes in and out. 

Mitochondria: these are where most of the reactions for aerobic resperation take place. 

Ribsomes: these are where proteins are made in the cell. 

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