AQA AS sociology Unit 2- gender and achievement

internal and external factors of gender and achievement

internal and external factors of boys and underachievement

these notes were taken from the AQA sociology textbook.


EXTERNAL FACTORS of gender and achievement

Impact of feminism -

  • feminism has been increasing since 1960s
  • feminism aims to improve womens' image in society by challenging the female sterotype
  • McRobbie compared some magazine in 1970s and 1990s. In 1970s, magazines showed importance of marriage & family. In 1990s magazines showed images of independent women.

Changes in womens' employment -

  • 1970 Equal Pay Act - allowed men and women to be payed the same for the same job
  • 1975 Sex Discrimination Act - prevents sex discrimination at work
  • since 1975, the pay gap between men and women fell from 30% to 17%
  • some women are breaking through the 'glass barrier' - an invisible barrier that prevents women entering professional jobs
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Changes in the family -

  • since 1970s, increase in; divorce rates, cohabitation, single-parent families and smaller family size
  • these changes have an affect of girls attitudes towards education. Eg. more single-parent families becoming female headed means women take breadwinner and homemaker role. Girls therefore have a role model to look up to
  • also, increase in divorce rates gives girls the impression that they cannot rely on men being their provider, hence they go and get their own qualifications
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Girls changing ambitions -

  • the changes in the family and changes in womens employment influences girls ambitions
  • Sue Sharpe interviewed girls in 1970s about future plans. She found their plans were not career orientated and they would marry and raise a family. She interviewed girls in 1990s and found girls now were prioritising their careers more
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INTERNAL FACTORS of gender and achievement

GCSE and Coursework -

  • Mitsos and Browne found girls are achieveing because they are better organised; taking care on presentation, listening etc..
  • Elwood believes exams has more influence on achievement over coursework

Positive role models -

  • the increase in female teachers and headteachers at school gives girls role models to look up to, playing a huge role in girls achievement
  • this is because having a career in tecahing is a long and successful path
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Educational Polices -

  • the education system is aware of gender issues. The influence of educational polices comes from both genders being intitled to same educational polices
  • Examples- Girls Into Science and Technology (GIST) and Women Into Science and Engineering (WISE)
  • these polices encouraged girls to study subjects outside the 'female subjects'
  • National Curriculum (1998) meant boys and girls study the same subjects
  • Kelly believes making science a compulsory subject helped bring equality between girls and boys in education
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Teacher attention -

  • in 1983, Spender found tecahers were spending more time with boys than girls
  • Swann and Graddol found boys were more boisterous and got more opportunites to speak than girls
  • Swann also found boys were dominating class discussions whereas girls preferred listening and doing group work

Selection and league tables -

  • marketisation polices raise competition between schools --> better exam results
  • Jackson introduced league tables in 1998, a way to improve girls opportunities-> girls attracted to high achieveing schools creating self-fufilling prophecy
  • Slee believes boys are less attracted to school because they are more likely to be excluded and have behaviour difficulties
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Challenging sterotypes in the curriculum -

  • removal of educational materials eg. textbooks removed barrier to girls achievement
  • in 1970s/1980s portrayed women as housewives and mothers.
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EXTERNAL FACTORS of boys and underachievement

Boys and literacy -

  • boys have poor literacy and language skills, a reason could be that parents are spending less time reading and doing educational activites with them
  • also, boys hobbies eg. football will do little to improve these required skills. However girls hobbies includes listening eg. talking to friends
  • boys poor literacy skills will affect their performance at school, however the government has introduced some polices to improve these skills

Decline in mens' jobs -

  • since 1980s decline in mens' manual jobs due to worldwide growth of economy. This has lead to industries moving to other countries for cheap labour
  • Mitsos and Browne state this led to low self-esteem and men believing they have little prospect of getting another job
  • however a decline in mens working class jobs doesnt have much of an impact on boys motivation to obtain qualifications
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INTERNAL FACTORS on boys and underachievement

Feminisation of education -

  • Sewell believes education has become feminised & schools are not encouraging masculinity. Sewell sees coursework as benefiting girls than boys. He believes some coursework should be replaced by exams

Shortage of male role models -

  • decline in the no. of male role models in the home and primary school teachers at school
  • In 2007, DfES found men make 16% of primary school teachers only
  • Yougov found 39% of 8-11 year old boys had no lessons with male teacher. 42% said presence of a male teacher made them work harder
  • Becky Francis found 2/3 of 7-8 year olds believed gender of their teachers did not matter
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Laddish Subcultures -

  • there has been a growth in the number of laddish subcultures
  • Epstein found working class boys were more likely to be harassed if they appeared to be 'swots'
  • Francis found boys were more concerned about being labelled than girls. Labels were a threatt to their masculinity
  • Boys believe masculinity involves being tough, therefore working class boys reject school to avoid being bullied
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