Resistance to Social Influence - Social Support and LoC

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 05-05-18 11:57

Resistance to Social Influence - Social Support and LoC


  • Social Support - SE for conformity - Allen and Levine 1971 found that conformity was reduced on a task involving visual judgements if there was a dissenter, even if the dissenter wore glasses with thick lenses and admitted to having a sight problem.
  • Social Support - SE for obedience - Mullen et al 1990 found that when disobedience models broke law by jay walking, ppts were more likely to jay walk themselves than when disobedient models weren't present.
  • SE for conformity - Shute 1975 found ppts with internal LoC were more able to resist conforming to peers with pro-drug attitudes.
  • SE for obedience - Jones and Kavanagh 1996 found individuals with low external LoC were more able to resist obeying immoral authority figures and low status workers with high external LoC are more susceptible to obeying orders to perform illegal actions.


  • Social Support - Other Factors - Personality (Dispositional) - Oliner and Oliner 1988 found those who sheltered the jews during WWII had an upbringing that stressed social norms of helping others and empathising with their suffering.
  • Locus of Control - Obedience Gender Differences - Sherman et al 2007 found males are more likely to have internal LoC and likely to become leaders. Females are seek links with others rather than behaving independently. Women who are internal do better in workplace.



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