Relationships - Matching Hypothesis Evaluation


Relationships - Matching Hypothesis Evaluation


  • A follow up study 6 months after the computer dance study found that some of the couples were still together.
  • A replica computer dance study found that when participants chose their partners people chose people of a similar attractiveness level.
  • Silverman observed real couples in public places and rated them on a 5 point scale. A high correlation was found between similar attractiveness and couple happiness.
  • Murstein collected pictures of engaged couples or couples in a long term relationship and asked participants to rate them on a 5 point scale. He found both members of the couples were rated similarly and significantly more than the mixed control group.


  • The original computer dance study found that the more attractive the date the more positively they were rated.


The original computer dance study does not support the matching hypothesis as it found that attractiveness was the most important aspect of forming a relationship and not a similar level of attractiveness. However the replica supports the theory as participants chose those which had a similar level of attractiveness to themselves. Therefore supporting the hypothesis.  Although Silverman's study does support the theory it is a correlational study, which comes with some issues as being a similar level of attractiveness may not be the reason why they are happy together. Also the couples reported how happy they are with each other therefore they may be lying to appear more desirable. 


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