


  • Children resist correction
  • Children experience the same stages of development at the same pace


  • Children who have been deprived of social contact can't achieve complete communicative competence
  • Children need input to give them more skills than grammar, e.g. pragmatic understanding
  • LENNEBURG and FERAL CHILDREN CASE STUDIES - some language processes can be acquired but full grammatical fluency is never achieved. Children weren't able to acquire language effectively when they returned to society.ALSO SUGGESTED- language has to be acquired within a 'critical period', really within the first five years.


When the brain is exposed to speech, it will automatically begin to receive and make sense of the utterance as it is 'programmed' to do so. Although some linguistic interaction with parents/carers is necessary, there is a genetic element in the human brain; a 'language acquisition device' (L.A.D), which enables children to use language to work out what is and is not linguistically acceptable. This also provides children with an innate understanding of the underlying grammatical rules that govern language. 


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