ISI and NSI Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 28-04-18 17:13

ISI and NSI Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Schultz et al 2007 found that when hotel guests saw a message that 75% of guests refused their towels, they used new towels themselves. NSI STRENGTH
  • Strength for ISI - Lucas et al 2006 asked students to give answers to maths questions that were easy or more difficult. There was greater conformity to incorrect answers when they were difficult rather than when they were easy. This shows people conform in situations where they feel they don't know the answers
  • NSI AND ISI WORK TOGETHER - both processes involved rather than operating independently.


  • Weakness for ISI - Individual Differences - assumes we all need to perceive reality correctly. However, Asch 1955 found students were less conformist (28%) than other ppts (37%).
  • Weakness for NSI - Individual Differences - NSI does not affect everyones behaviour in the same way. People who were less concerned with being liked are less affected by NSI than those who care more about being liked.



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