Ex-02: How successful were American Presidents in expanding the influence of the USA in the years 1890 to 1914? (24 marks).


Ex-02: How successful were American Presidents in expanding the influence of the USA in the years 1890 to 1914? (24 marks).


  • McKinley’s presidency was a decisive turning point; from 1898 relations with the rest of the world showed a new interventionism, and the USA extended its influence beyond North America and became a colonial power. Examples could include intervention in Cuba; the Spanish-American War and the annexation of Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines; the ‘Open Door’ Policy
  • Theodore Roosevelt developed a distinct approach. His ‘big stick’ diplomacy involved the encouragement of imperialism and a proactive attitude. The US navy underwent a great expansion. Examples of imperialism and the worldwide expansion of US influence could include the start of the Panama Canal project 1903; the virtual control of Cuba 1903; the Roosevelt Corollary 1904; mediation to end the Russo-Japanese War (the Treaty of Portsmouth, 1905)
  • Taft developed ‘dollar diplomacy’, his aim being to increase American influence in trade and commerce. He used this to foster American economic interests abroad, for example in Nicaragua. In Haiti American banks virtually took over the economy; American financiers supported railway expansion.
  • Wilson attempted to reverse outright imperialism and dollar diplomacy. He supported the ‘Open Door’ in China and increased US influence in China by recognising the new nationalist government in 1912
  • Wilson however intervened in Mexico in April 1914 to overthrow the regime of the dictator Heurta in support of the more liberal Carranza.


  • In the Spanish War of 1898, the land forces were badly equipped and performed poorly. European observers were not impressed. It has been argued that the war could have easily been avoided by diplomacy and that public opinion pushed the President into action
  • the invasion of the Philippines proved a costly error as the inhabitants wanted independence, not US rule. With no moral justification, US forces had to quell a determined insurrection led by Emilio Aguinaldo – 4,000 soldiers died. There was a public outcry at a betrayal of the principles of freedom and equality.
  • US involvement in Nicaragua created an internal revolt
  • plans to develop economic penetration of China had limited success – Wilson stopped ‘dollar diplomacy’ in 1913
  • the USA did not enter WW1 until 1917
  • US intervention in Mexico actually strengthened the Heurta regime and alienated Carranza. The activities of Pancho Villa involved the USA in a complex intervention which ended in a compromise.


show an awareness that each US president had mixed success in expanding the influence of the USA, and they acted on different principles. Nevertheless you could argue that the period marked a remarkable expansion of US influence in the world, especially after 1898.


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