Causes and Effects of Counter urbanisation


Causes and Effects of Counterurbanisation


  • High population densities in the cities
  • Increased amount of people who can commute
  • Increased access to online shopping
  • Generally safer
  • Increased value in housing
  • Less congestion
  • Collapse of inncer city industries
  • People can now work from home


  • Villages can themselves become suburbanised known as 'Suburbanised Villages'
  • New homes and houses having to be built on greenfield
  • Higher congestion
  • Offers jobs to local residents - 98% of residents in Bayston Hill use the local Spar as it is 'convinient'
  • Improves housing
  • Cities can shrink in size
  • Countryside homes can be used as a '2nd home' or 'holiday home' and therefore are unoccupied for the majority of the year
  • Smaller, local businesses cannot compete
  • Less people use local transport, bad for people like elderly

Overall summary

Overall, counter urbanisation holds many positive and negative effects. Economically it is strong for the local towns because they are receiving more people who will spend money at the local shops and also pay taxes. Environmentally however, there are many more cars and less people using public transport meaning that the air and noise pollution is increased. Finally, socially it has both negative and positive effects because it could cause an increase in a community feel however with people buying the homes as holiday homes, some of the homes are empty for long periods during the year. 


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