Bottom-Up: Micro-hydro Schemes, Peru

  • Created by: Noye
  • Created on: 06-06-13 21:30

Bottom-Up: Micro-hydro Schemes, Peru


  • Local people involved at all stages
  • Healthcare improved as electricty allows storage of medicines
  • Electricity for schools
  • Training of local people to operate the technology gives them skills
  • Cheaper electricity than a large HEP scheme
  • Uses local skills and cheap technology
  • 60% of people said their income had increased
  • Avoids flooding large areas, which takes away farmland
  • Avoids burning wood from local trees for fuel
  • Replaces fossil fuel use


  • Poor people have to pay for metered electricity
  • Some villages have doubled in size, creating population pressures
  • Demand for electricity is variable
  • Initial capital cost is high for a small village; £500 per household
  • Some specialist equipment had to be imported
  • Small storage dam is needed which alters the flow of the river and spoils the scenery


Micro-hydro schemes have an electricity generating capacity of less than 100KW. Water is diverted from a stream to a high point of the valley side and then down a pipe to turn a turbine.Rainfall is high so a charity called 'Practical Action' helped install 50 schemes, providing electricity for 30,000 people.This is a very sustainable approach as it doesn't damage the environment or people's livelihood and will last a long time as it uses local knowledge.


Mr A Gibson


A one-page detailed grid with the right points to get you through a question on the topic. Advantages, disadvantages of Social, Economic and Environmental points.



Detailed evaluation

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