Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism in LEDCs

The advantages and disadvantages of tourism in LEDCs.

  • Created by: Rad Brad
  • Created on: 13-06-13 15:02

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism in LEDCs


  • Jobs created
  • Generates additional taxes for the government, which can be spent in improving the area (e.g Infrastructure)
  • Increased infrastructure will attract a wider range of industries and investment
  • The multiplier effect
  • Tourists can learn local culture and tradition through eco-tourism (e.g Kenyan visits to the Masaai tribe)


  • Increase in local prices
  • Leakage of tourist money back to MEDCs
  • Volatility of tourism
  • Economic dependance on tourism
  • High cost of development, along with slower development through the country's economic situation
  • Local culture can be lost, westernisation can occur


Overall, there is a mixed batch of advantages and disadvantages that arise through tourism in LEDCs. Most of the advantages are economic, which is a great thing for LEDCs as this is exactly what they need to develop and grow. However these economic advantages are only apparent when tourism is in the area. Most LEDC tourist destinations have a economic dependance on the tourist industry. This can br a bad thing, as tourism is a volatile industry and is apt to change.


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