Why is the sea important?

  • Created by: 000AN000
  • Created on: 30-04-20 13:17
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  • Why are oceans important?
    • Sea-life
      • The ocean is home to 3.5 trillion fish and 15% of the worlds animals
      • The ocean produces 50% of the worlds oxygen
    • Atmosphere and food
      • The ocean regulates the atmosphere and collects rainwater
      • The ocean gives a large supply of food such as fish or seaweed that makes up a large part of our diet
    • recreational activities and industrial use
      • Activities such as fishing are done in the ocean
      • Shipping heavy goods would not be possible unless for oceans
    • Waste and economy
      • The sea takes in all of our sewage and eats it converting it into other things
      • The sea produces 282 billion in profits from power fishing and shipping


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