Why is the Ocean important?

  • Created by: Sairak20
  • Created on: 30-04-20 11:10
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  • Why are Oceans important?
    • The ocean is known as our "life support system" for many reasons
      • The ocean gives us more then half the oxygen we breath
        • Tiny marine plants are estimated to produce over half the oxygen that we, and all other land animals, breathe.
      • The ocean regulates the climate , stabilizes temperature, shapes Earth's chemistry.
        • The surface layer of the ocean absorbs over half the heat reaching the Earth from the sun.
          • By spreading the heat around the world via the ocean, both on surface and below.
      • Provides Us sea-food and gives us recreational opportunities
      • Covers 72% of the Earth
    • The largest Mountain rages are beneath the sea, The deepest canyons are beneath the sea
    • The ocean provides many benefits
      • The Ocean absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere.
        • Ocean waters have the capacity to absorb large amounts  of the greenhouse-warming gas carbon dioxide (CO2),
          • This have helped to lessen human-caused global warming and climate change.
      • Seventy-six percent of all U.S. trade involves some form of marine transportation.
        • The oceans provide convenient transport routes   90% of trade is carried by ships
          • These transport everything from food and fuel to construction materials, chemicals and many other things
      • Untitled The U.S. ocean economy produces $282 billion in goods and services and ocean-dependant businesses employ almost three million people.
      • The ocean does not just supply sea-food but also many ingredients such as peanut butter and soymilk.
      • Many medicinal products come from the ocean, including ingredients that help fight cancer, athritis, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease.
      • The ocean provides us with the ability  to do many different activities such as kayaking/fishing and many others.
    • The average depth of the ocean is about 2.7 miles. The ocean contains about 97% of all the water on Earth.
  • The surface layer of the ocean absorbs over half the heat reaching the Earth from the sun.
    • By spreading the heat around the world via the ocean, both on surface and below.


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