Why does there need to be a link between law and justice?

  • Created by: Emily903
  • Created on: 28-04-16 18:11
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  • Why does there need to be a link between law and justice?
    • St Thomas Aquinas said an unjust law is not  proper law because:
    • If a law is unjust people will feel it is okay to break the law. This may lead to the disintegration of society
    • If some laws are unjust people may think all laws are unjust. This means laws are not fulfilling their purpose
    • If laws are unjust people will not obey them and campaign about them causing trouble for society
    • If laws do not create a just society people will think the legal system is not working and start a civil war
    • Unjust laws will disrupt society not unite society


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