Position of USA by 1890

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  • Position of USA by 1890
    • Geographically isolated - oceans were like moats
    • Democratic.
    • Anti-colonial, but expansionistic
    • Rich in natural resources.
    • Non-interventionism
    • Thought they were morally and physically superior to other nations - "land of opportunity, land of the free"
    • No military - unnecessary
    • Maritime nation - abundance of harbours, rivers, etc.
    • Diverse ethnic background due to high immigration levels
    • Monroe Doctrine 1823
      • If European nations colonise or interfere with all America, including Latin America, it would be seen as act of aggression and the US would intervene.
    • Manifest Destiny
      • God given right that the white settlers in the USA could expand across from east coast to west coast.
  • American Exceptionalism
    • The theory that the USA is qualitatively better than all other countries.
      • "the first new nation"
      • Liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, democracy, and laissez-faire.
      • Primarily because of their short and relatively unblemished history.
    • Position of USA by 1890
      • Geographically isolated - oceans were like moats
      • Democratic.
      • Anti-colonial, but expansionistic
      • Rich in natural resources.
      • Non-interventionism
      • Thought they were morally and physically superior to other nations - "land of opportunity, land of the free"
      • No military - unnecessary
      • Maritime nation - abundance of harbours, rivers, etc.
      • Diverse ethnic background due to high immigration levels
      • Monroe Doctrine 1823
        • If European nations colonise or interfere with all America, including Latin America, it would be seen as act of aggression and the US would intervene.
      • Manifest Destiny
        • God given right that the white settlers in the USA could expand across from east coast to west coast.


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