American involvement in Latin America and Hawaii

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  • Latin America and Hawaii
    • Latin America
      • US always seen Latin and South America as their 'sphere of influence'
      • During early 19th century, South and Central American colonies began to declare independence from Spain and Portugal
        • US showed support since they also fought for independence
        • US were sympathetic
        • New independent states would be open to US trade
      • Monroe Doctrine (1823)
        • An act of aggression by a European power on a state in the western hemisphere would be seen as an act of aggression against the US
        • Warned Europeans off interference in American continent
        • Left it open to US interference
      • 1891 - Harrison threatened war with Chile
        • 2 Americans were killed in anti-US riots
        • Chilean government apologised and paid $75,000 compensation
        • Example of America protecting its people and its influence
      • 1895 - US expanded influence in South America
        • Offered to arbitrate in a border dispute between Guyana and Venezuela
        • Neither country was of direct interest to the USA
        • US taking an increasingly active role in foreign affairs and felt Britain was interfering in an American sphere of influence
    • Hawaii
      • 1890s - US began to act more forcefully in foreign affairs
      • American missionaries, traders, and plantation owners had increased US influence in Hawaii
      • 1887 - US naval base built at Pearl Harbour
      • Local resentment grew when McKinley Tariff Act was applied on Hawaiian sugar
        • Ruined many local farmers
        • Tariff imposed partly in response to domestic pressure from other American sugar growers
        • Partly in response to anti-American position of Hawaiian Queen Liliukolani
      • Anti-imperialists and other Americans opposed to actions of planters
      • Cleveland condemned actions as immoral and didn't support
      • 1959 - McKinley annexed the islands when in office
  • Partly in response to anti-American position of Hawaiian Queen Liliukolani
  • American planters on island deposed the Queen
    • Hawaii
      • 1890s - US began to act more forcefully in foreign affairs
      • American missionaries, traders, and plantation owners had increased US influence in Hawaii
      • 1887 - US naval base built at Pearl Harbour
      • Local resentment grew when McKinley Tariff Act was applied on Hawaiian sugar
        • Ruined many local farmers
        • Tariff imposed partly in response to domestic pressure from other American sugar growers
      • Anti-imperialists and other Americans opposed to actions of planters
      • Cleveland condemned actions as immoral and didn't support
      • 1959 - McKinley annexed the islands when in office


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