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  • Rainforests
    • layers of the rainforests
      • forest floor
        • darkest, hard for plants to grow
      • shrub layer
        • dark, gloomy layer
      • Under canopy
        • warm damp layer
      • Canopy
        • overlapping tree
      • Emergent
        • receives bright sunlight
    • Why are they important
      • contain half of earths wild life
      • provides shelter
      • regulate shelter
    • Climate and location factors
      • Found around the equator
      • Hot as equator's latitude
      • average temp: 27-29 C
      • average rainfall: 2000-10,000 mm per year
      • Humid
    • tribal culture and threats to TRF
      • Mining - use mercury for extracting gold out of river mud, causing mercury poisoning and cancers
      • Logging: cutting down on the amount of forest that is inhabitable forcing tribes out of their homes
    • Convectional rainfall
      • sun heats up the ground
        • Air next to ground is heated
          • warm air raises
            • water evaporates
              • air cools + condensation
                • clouds form
                  • cumulonim-bus clouds form
                    • heavy rainfall
    • sustainability
      • selective logging: only selected trees are cut
      • agroforestry: growing trees and crops at the same time
    • Animal and plant adaptations
      • Poison frog
        • Bright colour skin to warn predator
      • drip tips
        • no rotting
    • Distribution of TRFs
      • Aisa, Oceana, South America, Africa
      • between tropics of cancer and tropics of Capricorn


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