The Spanish View of the Armada

  • Created by: Lucie1112
  • Created on: 24-05-15 13:04
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  • The Spanish view of the Armada
    • 3.
      • The Spanish Commander set out in a search for Drake...
        • But they sailed into a storm instead
    • 8.
      • The Spanish Commander ordered the remaining ships to travel home around Scotland and Ireland
    • 2.
      • Meanwhile Drake stayed at anchor, waiting to attack.
        • The english sent some ships that were on fire over.
    • 9.
      • The remains of the wrecked ships and bodies appeared everywhere.
    • 4.
      • The smaller ships began to break up, forcing others towards land
    • 7.
      • Some ships washed up in Holland
        • The dutch Rebels captured the spanish
    • 1.
      • Already Damaged they anchored of Calais
    • 10.
      • The Spanish Commander managed to reach home with the remaining 60 ships.
    • 5.
      • The next morning the Spanish gathered and headed towards the English
    • 6.
      • Once again there was a storm, which scattered the Spanish fleet.


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