Gershuny: the impact of paid work

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  • Gershuny: The impact of paid work
    • Three quarters of married or cohabiting women in the Uk are economically active, as against fewer than half in 1971.
    • Man Yee Kan (2001) found income from employment, age and education affected how much housework women did: better paid, younger, more educated women did less housework.
    • Every £10,000 increase in the woman's annual income reduces her weekly housework time by two hours.
    • Gershuny: The trend towards equality
      • (1994): wives who worked full time did less domestic work
        • Wives who did not go to work did 83% of the housework and even wives who worked part time still did 82%
        • Wives who worked full time did 73% of housework. The longer the wives stayed employed, the more likely that the husbands would do more housework.
        • Couples whose parents had a more equal relationship were more likely to share housework more equally than themselves.
      • Explains trend in equality in terms for gradual change in values and parental role models.
      • Even though men are doing more housework, they still tend to take responsibility for different tasks.
      • Social values are gradually adapting to the fact that women are working full time.
      • Crompton (1997) accepts Gershuny's evidence but explains equality differently, in terms of economic factors rather than changing values or role models.
        • However, earnings remain unequal.
          • On average, women's earnings are only about 3 quarters those of men.
            • Therefore, she concludes that as long as earnings remain inequal, division of labour will too.


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