Sociology - Family

Family Topic In Sociology


Domestic Division Of Labour

Parson - Intrrumental role is providing for family (usually male) and expressive is primary socialisation of children and housework (usually female)

Conjugal Roles - Segregated, couple have seperate roles, male breadwinner, female homemaker, leisrue activities seperate aswell. Joint when couple share tasks and spend lesirure time together.

Symmetrical Family - Young & Wilmott  see a march of progress, more common in younger families, they make theirselves socially and geographically isolated (from relatives). More women go out to work, new technology (labour saving devices) higher standards of living.

Feminists - Reject march of progress, Oakley criticises Young & Wilmott, they help slightly but no symmetry, 15% high participation in housework, 25% high participation in childcare. Male takes interest in 'fun' aspects (playing with children)

Oakley - Housewife role dominant for married women, they do paid work but primary role is housework

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Impact Of paid Work

Gershuny - Women who do full time paid work, do less domestic work, wives not doing paid work do 83% of housework, full time work, 73% of housework. Couples whose parents had more equal relationship likely to be more equal. Social values are gradually adapting but men still take responsibilities in different tasks.

Commercialisation - Goods & services housewives had to produce, now mass produced. Freezers, microwaves, ready meals. Now women work, this enables them to afford these goods.

Dual burden - No evidence of a new man, women just have dual burden. Feminists claim family is still patriarchal. Even when man unemployed, woman works, man doesn't do much housework, see it as a further decrease in their masculinity. iddle class women can afford full day childcare whereas working class women cannot so caught in part time work and childcare responsibilities.

Emotion Work -

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