The Great Gatsby Chapter three

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  • The Great Gatsby, Chapter 3.
    • Summary
      • Gatsby's chauffeur bring Nick an invitation to one of his legendary parties.
      • At the party everyone is talking about Gatsby- no one seems to know the truth about his wealth and background
        • Rumors that he was german spy in the war, and that he's killed a man in cold blood.
      • Nick begins to talk a handsome man and find out they were in the same division during WW1- turns out to be Gatsby.
      • Introduced to Owl eyes
      • Nick then talks about his everyday life to prove he doesnt simply attend parties
    • wealth and glamour of the 1920's put into full focus
      • Although East eggers look down on the less refined West eggers Gatsby is seen as an enigma
        • West and east eggers attends Gatsby's parties. The tension between the two groups bring about a distinct american mood.
    • Fitzgerald postponed the introduction of Gatsby as a character until chapter 3
      • gave him a grand entrance with the lavish party and mystery carries on building with rumors
        • Yet meeting him was an anticlimax as Nick talks to him for a while without knowing it is Gatsby
          • I f he was so 'great' should be able to know who he was, not blend in with others at the party.
    • one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it.
      • Nick's  description of Gatsby shows Gatsby's optimism and vitality.
        • Something about Gatsby seems remarkably hopeful- his belief in the future impress es Nick even before he knows what future Gatsby envisions.
    • Many aspects og Gatsby's lifestyle are intriguing, he seems to know no one at his party
      • Shows how his parties seem like some sort f front for something we do not yet know- foreshadows future events in the novel.
    • Gatsby has a tendency to call everybody 'Old sport' at first seems through sincerity but we grow to think that its because Gatsby doesnt care toe remember peoples names
      • People arent important to him, not seen as companions but of some use to him, old sport helps to keep him distanced from people and not let down his persona.
    • Owl eyes is surprised to find his books are real and not just empty covers to create the appearance of a full library
      • Books are uncut, never been read
        • Show Gatsby is about building a character, and to show off wealth- does not care if people know he has not read all these books as the point of them is to show his has money to waste on them.
    • Tone of Nick's narration suggests many east and west egg inhabitants use displays of wealth to cover up inner moral corrosion
      • Gatsby seems to use his front to cove up something different and maybe more profound,
        • From this point the mystery of Gatsby and the unraveling of his character is but at the forefront of the story
    • When Jordan says she knows something 'remarkable' about Gatsby the reader now knows part of the answer to the mystery about Gatsby is loose about Nick's circle of friends and builds anticipation as we wait to find out what it is.
    • The chapter also concentrates on the gap between perception and reality.
      • Owl eyes states that Gatsby has captured the effect of the theater, a kind of mingling of honesty and dishonestly that characterises Gatsbys whole approach to life.
        • The whole party seems like some kind of theatrical presentation, owl eyes suggests Gatsby's whole life is merely a show  believing his books may not even be real.
          • 'Great Gatsby' subtly emphasises the illusory quality to Gatsby's life
    • He realizes that Jorrdan is dishonest, selfish, and cynical, but he is attracted to her vitality nevertheless. Their budding relationship emphasizes the extent to which Nick becomes acclimated to life in the East, abandoning his Midwestern values and concerns in order to take advantage of the excitement of his new surroundings.


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