The Middle Ages in the Islamic World - Disease And Infection

  • Created by: emMarie
  • Created on: 03-04-16 16:51
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  • The Middle Ages in the Islamic World - Disease And Infection
    • In the eighth and ninth centuries the Muslim doctors of the Islamic empire were much better at treating disease than the Europeans. As the Islamic Empire took off over much of the middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean, they came across the writings of Hippocrates and Galen
    • Muhammed ordered Muslims to wash before prayer. cleanliness was a major factor in the conquest of disease
    • In Cairo and other cities there were doctors who held surgeries for the sick and who prescribed medicines, These were provided by pharmacies.
    • Islamic hospitals had separate wards for different diseases. these enabled epidemics to be controlled
    • Some hospitals were attached to the great mosques in Baghdad and Cairo and other cities. the hospitals became centres for training doctors.
    • Rhazes identified the difference between measles and smallpox and explained how to differentiate between them. This was the first occasion that specific diseases had been described.
    • The Europeans learnt about Muslim medicine from trade and from the Crusades in the 11th and 12th century
    • Islamic medicine developed because doctors put together ideas from all the civilisations that they had come across, Europe, India, Egypt and Persia


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