The Evolution of Atomic Structure Over Time

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  • Model of the atom has changed over time as new evidence has become avaliable
    • Evolution of Atomic Structure Over Time
      • Thompson: plum pudding model- negatively charged e- move in sea of deloca. ele
      • Rutherford: mass conc. in + nucleus, e- orbiting it- neutral
      • Bohr: suggested that e- orbiting at specific distances; planetary model
      • p + n + e-, p + n found in nucleus; smaller quarks, e- surround central nucleus
  • 1803
  • Dalton: ele. composed of indivisible atoms
    • Atoms: tiny and indivisible
    • Evolution of Atomic Structure Over Time
      • Thompson: plum pudding model- negatively charged e- move in sea of deloca. ele
      • Rutherford: mass conc. in + nucleus, e- orbiting it- neutral
      • Bohr: suggested that e- orbiting at specific distances; planetary model
      • p + n + e-, p + n found in nucleus; smaller quarks, e- surround central nucleus
  • 1897
  • 1911
  • 1913
  • Present day


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