Consolidation of Power: Initial Actions

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  • The Consolidation of Power
    • Imprisonment of potential rivals
      • Henry imprisoned the ten year old Edward, Earl of Warwick, the nephew of Edward IV and Richard III
      • Elizabeth of York, the daughter of Edward IV, was detained in the months prior to her marriage to Henry VII.
    • Henry dated his reign so that it began on the 21st August 1485, the day before the Battle of Bosworth. By doing this, he made sure that anybody who fought on the Yorkist side was a traitor and could be treated as such.
    • Henry publicly rewarded his key supporters.
      • His uncle, Jasper Tudor, was made Duke of Bedford and had all his lands and titles that had been confiscated restored. He was also made a Knight of the Garter
      • John de Vere, the Earl of Oxford, had had all of his lands and titles attained by Richard III. Upon Henry's accession, they were restored to him. He also received several other important political positions.
      • Sir William Stanley was made Lord Chamberlain of Henry's household.
      • He created 11 knights following Bosworth
    • He made key appointments
      • Sir William Stanley was created Lord Chamberlain
      • Sir Reginald Bray was created Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
      • John Morton was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1486
    • Timing
      • Henry had his coronation on the 30th October. He then called Parliament on the 7th November. This was to show that his right to rule was hereditary.
      • Henry waited for several months before marrying Elizabeth of York in January 1486. This was meant to show that he didn't depend on her to solidify his claim. It also united the two warring houses and he was able to create propaganda from it.
        • Elizabeth of York gave Henry an heir in September 1489 by giving birth to Prince Arthur.
    • Acts of Attainder
      • Through Acts of Attainder, Henry managed to punish those nobles who had fought for Richard III. He was also able to increase royal income.


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