Stress revision mindmap

So far what we've learnt on stress in psychology.

  • Created by: Sky
  • Created on: 09-12-12 13:25
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  • Stress
    • Body's response to stress
      • Appraisal: The situation is appraised and decided to be stressful -> The hypothalamus is alerted -> Acute stress: The SAM system is activated. Chronic stress: The HPA axis is activated
        • SAM (sympathetic nervous system): Increases heart rate, decreases stomach activity, decreases saliva production, dilates pupils, relaxes lungs and releases glucose.
          • Situation appraised and perceived as stressful -> Hypothalamus is alerted -> activates sympathetic branch of autonomic nervous system (ANS) -> stimulates the adrenal medulla in the adrenal glands above the kidneys -> secretes adrenaline and noradrenaline into the bloodstream.
        • Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal system (HPA):  situation appraised and perceived as stressful -> hypothalamus is alerted. -> also known as the pituitary adrenal system, HPA alerted -> stimulates pituitary gland in the brain -> causes adrenal-chorticotrophic hormone to be released -> stimulates adrenal cortex in the adrenal glands to release sortico steroids (main one being cortisol).
    • Stress related illness and the immune system
      • Stress related illnesses include ulsers, CHD (colinary heard disease) and binout.
    • Life changes and daily hassles
      • Life changes: Occasional events which result in major adjustments to lifestyle. Eg: Moving house, changing jobs, marriage...
      • Daily hassles: Everyday irritations and annoyances that constantly infuriate. Eg: Queuing  being late, traffic.
    • Workplace stress
      • Factors contributing to workplace stress: Work environment, workload, role conflict and job control.


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