Work Place Stress Mindmap

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  • Work Place Stress
    • Johansson et al
      • He wanted to investigate workplace stressors and stress-related illnesses and the role that control played.
      • They studied a small group of workers in a large sawmill. They looked at finishers - the final piece to completing the process. They had control of pay since pay was related to productivity.
      • The finishers' stress hormones and patterns of illness were monitored.
      • The finishers had much higher stress levels than other workers and therefore had a higher number of illness related days off.
      • They concluded that repetitiveness, lack of control and high responsibility lead to stress.
    • Marmot et al.
      • Sought to test the job-strain model. The model proposes  that workplace causes stress and illness in two ways; 1 - High demand and 2- Low control.
      • Civil service employees (men and women) were asked to complete a questionnaire that looked for signs of cardiovascular disease.
      • 5 years later, they reassessed the participants. It was found that the higher grades of the civil service developed the fewest signs of cardiovascular problems.
      • The people who had the lowest sense of job control and lowest social support. The main conclusion is that low support appears to link to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease but not stress and illness.
    • Work place stress can be affected by three things.
      • Environment; the physical aspects, heating, lighting, noise, others behaviour.
      • Workload; too much work, too complex work, difficulty to balance life and workload.
      • Control; low levels of control equate to high levels of stress.


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