Social needs of children with learning disabilities in a pre-school environment

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  • Social needs of children with learning disabilities in a pre-school environment
    • Contact with others/social interaction - organising group activities so that the child gets the opportunity to interact with all others in the classroom
      • Providing appropriate curriculum to ensure social needs are addressed
      • Encourage the development of social skills - encouraging the child to behave appropriately at mealtimes e.g. sitting at table, using cutlery properly, to take turns and to learn to share
    • Communication skills/ interaction with others - talking to children about their day and their friends, what they are learning etc
      • Use of Makaton to communicate with a non-verbal child. A child with a learning disability will be able to express their needs to a teacher e.g. toilet
      • Encourage opportunities to make friends/ develop relationships - encouraging friendships during playtime/ group activities/ games
    • Build relationships with child by staff taking time to talk and listen to the individual child


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