Emotional needs of children with learning disabilities in a pre-school environment

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  • Emotional needs of children with learning disabilities in a pre-school environment
    • Involvement of MDT to ensure the needs are properly met
    • Express emotions - allowing the child time/ opportunities to express emotions - encouraging the child to take about feelings, listening to the child and responding appropriately
      • An individual with a profound learning disability could be offered time in a sensory room. They have the option to listen to sounds and different light options in order for them to gain control over their environment
      • Offering activities and training to help the child deal with frustration/ anger associated with their learning disability. If this is embedded at pre-school level, it may make the transition into primary school better
    • Autonomy/ independence - offer choice in activities. Lay out activities for children arriving and they choose what to play with e.g. water tray or puzzles
      • Empowering the child, listening and taking into account their wishes and involving them in decisions about their care
    • Sense of belonging - staff spending time talking and listening to the child/ liaising with family. To develop trust between the child, their family and the pre-school - promote sense of belonging
      • Create a sense of belonging in the classroom - ensuring the child contributes to wall displays, assemblies etc
      • Make sure the child feels valued/loved/wanted/safe - asking the child for opinions, addressing them appropriately, reassuring them, showing them care and affection
    • Self-esteem - using systems to record positive comments e.g. SIMS - rewarding achievement
      • Ensuring a bullying policy is implemented by all staff
      • Esteem needs - praising children for achievements
      • Need for respect - ensuring all pupils treat the child with respect,  ensuring bullying by older children does not happen
    • Ensuring routines are maintained so the child does not experience undue stress
      • Use of 'Social Stories' to prepare the child for a change in routine


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