Skill and ability

  • Created by: shonaf15
  • Created on: 13-10-18 20:40
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  • Skill and Ability
    • A skill is an action or a way of behaving that can be learned.
      • Once learned, a sill can be performed easily and efficiently again and again with the same or a very similar outcome.
    • An ability is different from a skill, it is soething that you are born with, that you have inherited and it tends to be a relatively stable trait.
      • it doesen't change throughout a persons life.
      • Can affect a person's potential to learn or improve a particular skill.
    • Classifications of skill
      • Basic--------complex
        • Basic skills are usually simple things like throwing, catching and striking. These skills tend to require less concentration and coordination than a complex skill.
        • complex skills take a long time to learn because they involve a high level of concentration and coordination.
      • Self paced--------externally paced
        • a self paced skill is a skill started when the performer decides to start it. The speed, rate or pace of the skill is controlled by the performer.
          • example: a player uses self paced skills during a table tennis ,match when they select the direction, speed, height and even the use of spin every time they serve.
        • an externally paced skill is a skill which is started because of an external factor. The speed, rate or pace of thw skill is controlled by external factors, such as opponents or the environment.
          • Example: in badminton you have to react to your opponent's serve, responding to the direction, speed, and height accordingly.
      • Gross movement------ fine movement
        • A gross movement skill is a skill that uses large muscle groups to perform big, strong, powerful movements
          • Example: The phases of a triple jump are examples of gross movement skills.
        • a fine movement skills is a skill involving small, precise movements, showing high levels of accuracy and coordination. It involves the use of a small group of muscles.
          • Example: A spin bowler uses fine movement skills to create the spin on the ball, which then decides the direction it travels before and after landing.
      • Open--------closed
        • Open skills are skills that are affected by the environment, where the performer must react and adjust to a changing situation
          • example:if a strong wind is blowing during a rugby match, you will have to take this into account when performing a drop kick.
        • a closed skill is not affected by the environment or the performers within it. This means the skill tends to be performed in the same way each time.
          • Example: A diver's performing environment is predictable and stable and so a diver will perform each dive in the same way each time.


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