Simon - Character Revision

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  • Simon
    • Secretive
      • "with a glance coming up from under a hut of straight hair."
      • His hair covers his face.
    • Imaginative
      • "They look like candles. Candle buds."
      • He is a thinker and is more logical, just like Piggy but has respect.
    • Regarded as different.
      • Maybe because of his epilepsy.
      • "Piggy: "He's cracked!""
      • "Ralph: "He's queer, he's funny.""
    • Helpful
      • It was Simon that helped Ralph build the shelter while the rest of the choir boys were hunting.
        • "All day I've been working with Simon. No one else." - Ralph
    • Realises true identity of the beast.
      • It is Simon who is brave enough to climb the mountain to see the dead parachutist.
      • "What I mean is...maybe it's only us."
    • Loyal friend.
      • Stands by Ralph about continuing being chief.
        • "Go on being Chief."
        • supportive
      • It is Simon that finds Piggy's glasses.
        • "Simon, who got there first, found them for him."
        • Simon also offers Piggy some of his meat as Jack wouldn't share.
    • God-like
      • very compassionate!
      • "He pulled of the fruit and handed it down to outstretched hands."
        • Helps the littl'uns
        • Is followed by the littl'uns.
      • Died speaking the truth.
      • "The line of his cheek silvered."
        • Untitled
    • Solitary
      • Likes being alone.
      • Possibly to worship like a church.
      • "He turned his back and walked into the forest with an air of purpose."


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