S&P L1-3 -Places (LYMPSTONE)

  • Created by: Hadley023
  • Created on: 11-03-19 13:11
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  • Lympstone
    • Pre-1841
      • Roman coins have been found, suggesting a traceable history.
      • Established by the Saxons and recorded in the Domesday book 1086 after the Norman conquest.
      • End of the 13th Century, it was a port operating coastal and cross channel links.
      • Strong links to ship building which maintained until the 19th Century.
      • Estuary has been used for fishing, espeically mussels and ships. Also went into the Atlantic for cod and whales.
    • Post-1841
      • Tourism in the 1840s attracted wealthy families from Exeter and Devon.
      • 1850s saw an expansion of the built environment for visitors.
      • Railway in 1861 improved connections and the shellfish industry increased.
        • In the 1900s, it became a dormitory settlement for Exeter.


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