Changing Places

  • Created by: Manuuux
  • Created on: 08-05-18 19:36
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  • Changing Places
    • The concept of place
      • Place- the way an area is perceived depending on location, locale and emotional attachment
      • Sense of place- refers to the subjective and emotional attachment people have to a place
      • Yi Fu Tuan (1977)- developed term 'topophilia' describe the affective bond between people and place and argued that it is through human perception and experience that we get to know places
        • Phenomenological approach (Yi Fu Tuan)- study of subjective experience/ how an individual experiences a place
    • Different theoretical approaches to place
      • Descriptive approach- idea that the world is a set of places and each place can be studied and is distinct
      • Social constructionist approach- sees place as a product of a particular set of social processes occurring at a particular time
        • Trafalgar Square- Original purpose- commemorate British leadership and victory. Statue of Admiral Lord Nelson at the top of a column that bears his name in a square commemorating his naval victory
          • Using a social constructionist approach could be understood as a place of empire and colonialism
          • Still used to celebrate victory and often the focus for national celebrations such as sporting activities and London's successful Olympic bid
          • Since 1999, it has become a centrepiece for some of the world's most provocative contemporary public art
      • Phenomenological approach (Yi Fu Tuan)- study of subjective experience/ how an individual experiences a place
    • The nature and importance of places
      • Insider- someone who is familiar with a place and who feels welcome/ feel like they belong there
        • Insider's perspective- positive/lively atmosphere- welcomed to a clean environment/everything displayed- bright colours/signs make it appealing- usually young people
          • Glastonbury- Location- near Pilton, Somerset, England- 5-day music festival each summer
            • Outsider's perspective- negative/interrupts with their everyday life- noise pollution- disrupt area through littler left/ unclean- families with small children not allow drugs/alcohol being brought- mass n.o invading their residential area
      • Outsider- someone who feels unwelcome to a place
        • Outsider's perspective- negative/interrupts with their everyday life- noise pollution- disrupt area through littler left/ unclean- families with small children not allow drugs/alcohol being brought- mass n.o invading their residential area
      • Identity- sense of belonging to a group or geographical area where there is the same generic character, or similarity of distinguishing character or personality
      • Media place- place which people have not been to but have created a sense of place for their depiction in media
        • New York- "Alicia Keys"- song- "nothing you can't do" "big lights will inspire you" "where dreams are made of" "noise is always loud"
          • Could suggest it is a good place and where things are possible/ lot of opportunities
      • Endogenous- characteristics of place itself or the factors which have originated internally
      • Exogenous- relationship of one place with other places and the external factors that affect this
    • Place studies
      • Jewellery Quarter- Birmingham, south of Hockley area of the city centre
        • Quantitative data- census data- ETHNIC GROUP- 75% white in JQ, 0-10% surrounding areas/ 75% with degree in JQ, surrounding areas 12.5%/ 29.9% with professional occupation, New Town 7.8%
          • QUESTIONNAIRE- middle aged people in JQ- visitors for work purposes/ consider a separate place due to heritage
        • Qualitative data- KWB- property agent moved here due to location, good accessibility, fashionable/ building offices (palimpsest)- positive view of future
          • SUE HUBBARD poem- "The Assayist"; list of instructions/ talks about the use of the JQ/ refers to the Assay office/ gives more insight before the deadline/ 'days dark mass' 'black ash'- connoting the pollution/ 'each evening'- a routine/ 'nitric acid'- talking about specifics
            • "Metallic Pen Makers to the Queen"; formal/ advertising to the queen/ emphasis of quality of product in caps; 'EXCELLENCE OF TEMPER'- making direct statements
      • Dharavi- Mumbai
        • Mumbai is the largest city in India and the fourth largest city in the world/ population of 13 million/ commercial capital of India and a global financial hub/ accounts for 40% of India's foreign trade
          • Mumbai is trying to cope with the rapid growth in population due to being drawn in from rural area in hope of finding employment/ the growing economy results in a wide range of jobs being created
            • Land in CBD is extremely expensive/ the people who have skills find problem of housing
              • The spread of suburbs in the form of cheap and poorly built housing away from the centre/ massive overcrowding / development of squatter settlements
                • Large scale re-development PLAN/ $2bn/ threatens the recycling district/ the people who are relocated will be put into smaller housing in apartment blocks (who have been in Dharavi since 2000 only)
                  • Huge area of land near the CBD will be available for improvement - big businesses can use the available space to set up
        • Dharavi is a slum spread over an area of 535 acres/ it lies between two railway lines / estimated around 1 million people live there / home to about 5000 businesses
          • Large scale re-development PLAN/ $2bn/ threatens the recycling district/ the people who are relocated will be put into smaller housing in apartment blocks (who have been in Dharavi since 2000 only)
            • Huge area of land near the CBD will be available for improvement - big businesses can use the available space to set up
        • Endogenous factors in the development of Dharavi- location, topography, land-use, infrastructure, economic activities
        • Exogenous factors in the development of Dharavi - urbanisation, informal employment, democracy, lack of services


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