Rules of Cricket (AOP)

  • Created by: s0ph13x
  • Created on: 27-11-16 13:31
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  • Rules of Cricket
    • Being given out
      • Can be given out by run out, caught, bowled, lbw, stumped, hit wicket, handling ball, timed out, hit ball twice and obstruction.
      • The batter can be given out lbw if the ball pitches in line with the stumps and would go on to hit. Lbw can only be given if the ball hits the batters pad or body, NOT bat.
      • A batter can't be given out on a no ball.
    • Scoring runs
      • You can run or hit a boundary to score 4 runs.  A 4 is scored when the ball crosses the boundary having bounced or rolled
      • A 6 can only be scored when the ball crosses the rope without bouncing. Or 6 runs could be ran.
    • Wide balls
      • A wide is judged and given by an umpire if the ball is too far out of reach for the batter to play a normal cricket stroke
      • One run is awarded to the opposition and an extra ball must be bowled
      • A ball is no longer signalled a wide if contact with the bat has been made


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