research design

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  • Research Design
    • Criteria
      • Reliability
        • the extent to which the measure of a concept is stable
      • Validity
        • does the indicator measure the concept it claims to?
      • Repilicability
        • Generalisability
          • Criteria
            • Reliability
              • the extent to which the measure of a concept is stable
            • Validity
              • does the indicator measure the concept it claims to?
            • Repilicability
              • Generalisability
                • can findings be generalised beyond confines of context
          • can findings be generalised beyond confines of context
    • Experimental
      • A randomised control trial
    • Cross-sectional design
      • entails collection of data on more than one case and at a single point in time in order to collect a body of data in connection with two or more variables which are then examined to detect patterns
    • Longitudinal
      • Survey of the same sample that is repeated on more than one occasion over time
    • Case Study
      • Detailed and intensive analysis of one case


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