Religion and Medicine

  • Created by: zoolouise
  • Created on: 01-06-15 09:32
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  • Religion and Medicine (2)
    • Key Words
      • Hippocratic Oath - a promise that doctors make to preserve life at all times. e.g. treating a patient to the best of their ability
      • Conscience - an inner voice that keeps you on the right track e.g a God-given instinct to make the right choices
        • Free will - the belief that humans have free choices in life e.g follow God and religious commands
      • Quality of life - the extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable e.g being free from pain and stress.
      • Sanctity of life - life in all forms is sacred e.g human life
    • Sanctity of life
      • Christians
        • It means all life is precious and special, it should be protected/valued
          • Life is sacred and a gift from God, only God should take life.
        • Each life is unique and valuable beyond measure. God is interested and involved in every life.
          • Jesus showed that all life should be valued.
      • Jews
        • It means all life is precious and special ,it should be protected/valued
          • Life is sacred and a gift from God.
        • Put aside laws to save life.
        • The Torah states that 'God created man in his own image'
    • Abortion
      • Christian
        • Sanctity of life applies to abortion.
          • We are all made in the image of God.
        • One of the Ten Commandments 'Thou salt not kill'
          • Roman Catholic Church is opposed to abortion and they allow it in certain circumstances.
      • Jews
        • Sanctity of life applies to abortion.
        • Life is sacred and a gift from God.
          • Orthodox Jews are completely against abortion.
            • Progressive Jews allow it in certain circumstances when the mother is a t risk.
    • Euthanasia
      • Christians
        • Sanctity of life - taking a life is wrong because of this.
          • 'Thou shall not kill' Only God can take life away and destroying it is a crime.
          • Life is a blessing.
        • Each life is unique and valuable beyond measure. God is interested and involved in every life.
      • Jews
        • Sanctity of life - therefore life should be protected.
          • 'Thou shalt not kill'
        • Life is sacred, only God can decide when a person's life is to end.
          • Life is a blessing.
    • IVF
      • Christians
        • Roman Catholic Church believe that;     Life is given by God and no one else has the right to create it. Infertility is seen as God calling you to adopt. All embryo tech is banned as it involves throwing away fertilized eggs.
        • Denominations believe that;   They agree with the embryo technology however, they believe that IVF provides happiness to the couple and technology is also God's gift and the cost isn't justifiable when so many children are starving.
      • Jews
        • An egg should be donated by a jewish women so the child is Jewish. The children should know who their parents are. The important of having children is stressed so IVF Is allowed 'Go forth and multiplty' There's no problem with destroying embryos unless they are 40 days old.
  • IVF
    • Christians
      • Roman Catholic Church believe that;     Life is given by God and no one else has the right to create it. Infertility is seen as God calling you to adopt. All embryo tech is banned as it involves throwing away fertilized eggs.
      • Denominations believe that;   They agree with the embryo technology however, they believe that IVF provides happiness to the couple and technology is also God's gift and the cost isn't justifiable when so many children are starving.
    • Jews
      • An egg should be donated by a jewish women so the child is Jewish. The children should know who their parents are. The important of having children is stressed so IVF Is allowed 'Go forth and multiplty' There's no problem with destroying embryos unless they are 40 days old.


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