RE Modern Warfare

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  • War
    • causes of war
      • defend an ally
        • gain land and resources
          • defensive response
        • get rid of a dictator
    • WMD
      • Chemical
    • nuclear disarmament- reduce weapons in arms of superpowers and prevent nuclear proliferation
      • CND- campaign for nuclear disarm
      • For nuclear deterence
        • nuclear weapons are a deterence
        • People feel safer
        • worked since 1945
        • Creates peace
        • ALL CC disagree
          • Against nuclear deterence
            • People live in fear of war
            • costs a lot of money
            • proliferation
            • unreliable
        • Against nuclear deterence
          • People live in fear of war
          • costs a lot of money
          • proliferation
          • unreliable
    • Human cost of war
      • Military
        • civilians
          • Child Soldiers (spies, suicide bombers)
      • Economic cost of war
        • Rise in inflation (prices go up)
          • Increase in national debt
            • Unemployment
              • Decline in tourism
  • Civil war- war in the same country
    • Just war
      • a war which is morally justified
      • Sir Thomas Aquinas
      • chance of success
        • a cause
          • declared by gov
            • last resort
        • greater of 2
      • greater of 2
    • Refugee-forced to leave and are allowed to remain
      • Asylum seeker- fled country and are legally allowed to stay until decision is made
  • chance of success
    • a cause
      • declared by gov
        • last resort
  • proportial
    • No innocents killed
      • peace resorted
  • RC agree
  • Nuclear
    • biological
  • Pacifism
    • Selective- opposes only one type eg WMD
    • Conditional-against but agree sometimes
    • Absolute- NEVER
    • Eg- peaceful protests
      • Ghandi, Rosa Parks, MLK
        • 'Eye for eye  and the world will soon be blind'
    • churches are not pacifist
  • Quotes
    • Eye for eye
    • 'Turn away from evil and do good; strive for peace with all your heart'
    • quakers- Christian group who hate violence
      • Non-violence the knotted gun
    • Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
    • if someone slaps you on the cheek turn and let them slap the otherside
    • Jesus was a pacifist
    • War is the most barbarous and least effective way to resolve conflict


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