Philosophy Quotes

  • Created by: Pippa_cn
  • Created on: 15-06-17 09:21
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  • Philosophy
    • in the beginning god created the heavens and earth 'let there be light, and there was light' Genesis
    • Jesus turned water into wine John
    • Teleological argument - design takes intellegence
    • God demonstrates his love for us, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us Romans
    • There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth Mathew
    • if anyones name was not found written in the book of life they will be thrown into the lake of fire Revelation
    • God is love. whoever loves, lives in God John
    • Parable of the sheep and the goat Mathew
      • They will go away to eternal punishment but the righteous to eternal life
    • The fire of purgatory is more terrible than man can suffer in his life st augustine
    • Non physical things cannot exist inside a physical thing.
    • We are made in the likeness of god. If he is eternal, we are too Genesis
    • For god so loved the world that he have his one and only son John
    • Cosmological argument everything has a cause
    • The earth is the lords and everything in it Psalms
    • Rule of the fish is the sea, the birds in the sky and every living thing that moves Genesis
    • God made Adam and beathed into his nostrils the breath of life
    • Jesus fed 5000 mathew
    • Story of job Old testament
    • An eye for an eye, a toot for a tooth but i tell you love your enemies Matthew
    • Destroy those who destroy the earth Revelation
    • Everything that lives and moves will be food for you Genesis
    • A good man takes care of his animals, a wicked man is cruel to them Proverbs
    • Whoever goes against the holy spirt will never be forgiven Mark
    • There will be no more death or sorrow  or crying in pain Revelation
    • I am the ressurection and the life, he who belives in me will live even after dying John


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