origins of the universe

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  • origins of the universe
    • Christianity
      • they believe that the universe was designed and made by god
      • god created all things that exist out of nothing
      • the 6 days of creation
        • 1 - "let there be light"
          • non literal view - he meant the big bang
        • 2 - sky
        • 3 - seas, land, vegetation
        • 4 - lights in the sky - sun, moon and stars
        • 5 - fish and other animals in the sea and birds
        • 6 - all animals on land and humans in his own image
        • 7 - rest, made it holy
        • some interpret day as a longer period - hebrew "yom"
      • fundamentalists believe every word is inspired by god and is correct
        • the bible is "god-breathed"
      • liberals regard these as symolic accounts
      • big bang theory and evolution must be false because they contradict the book of genesis
      • theistic guided evolution - he created s world able to adapt and evolve
      • "in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"
      • "every living thing ... according to its kind"
    • Islam
      • universe was created by God in 6 phases
        • "God, who created the heavens and earth in six days"
        • "it is He who created night and day, the sun and the moon, each floating in its orbit"
        • after that god organised the whole universe to be under his watchful command and befitting his glory
      • God's creation never ends - births and seeds growing
      • islam encourages the search for clear understanding and scientific explanations that may enable a greater understanding of God
        • qu'r'an creation stories closely resemble the big bang
          • qur'an refers to the heavens, including the stars as being in "smoke" material at one time
          • "the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, we separated them and made from water every living thing"
      • Allah sent angels to earth to collect 7 handfuls of soil and with that made the first man - adam - breathing life and power into him


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