Non-specific Immune Response

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  • Non-specific Immune Response
    • Inflammation
      • Destroys invading microbes
        • attacked by intact white cells
      • Damaged blood cells released histamines
        • Cause arterioles to dilate
        • Increases blood flow in and permeability of  the capillaries
      • Causes oedema
        • Plasma fluid, white blood cells and antibodies leak from blood into tissue
    • Lysozyme Acton
      • kills bacteria by breaking down their cell walls
      • found in mucous substances
    • Interferon
      • Aimed at viruses
      • Produced by virus-infected cells
        • Prevents viruses from multiplying
          • Inhibits viral protein synthesis
        • Diffuses to surrounding cells
          • Prevents viruses from multiplying
            • Inhibits viral protein synthesis
    • Phagocytosis
      • Phagocytes engulf bacteria and other foreign matter in the blood and tissues
        • Neutrophils
        • Macrophages


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