modifying stress - SIT

  • Created by: Elyseee
  • Created on: 10-01-21 12:35
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  • SIT
    • Donald Meichenbaum (1985, 2007) - individuals should develop coping mechanisms before a problem arises, like how vaccinations protect against disease
    • inoculation
      • Gives individuals experience of minor stressors to make them more prepared and resilient
      • Exposing people to milder forms of stress can help them develop coping mechanisms and confidence in their ability to deal with future stress
      • What they encounter will need to be strong enough to arouse the stress response but not so strong that is causes negative psychological effects
    • importance of perception
      • Transactional model - identifies importance of perception of stressor and the ability to cope with it (do they think they have the resources to deal with it). SIT aims to give people tools to perceive stressors differently before they deal with them more effectively
      • Construct narrative perspective - individuals are storytellers who construct tales about themselves and others, the stories influence how we perceive and cope with stress. SIT used to help people become more aware of behaviours that hinder rather than help (repetitive thinking about negative experience), helps them to adopt more constructive narrative when facing stress
    • process of SIT
      • Flexible form of therapy, customisable to individual
      • Depends on stressor being experienced, tailored to client’s existing coping mechanisms and areas they need to work on
      • 8-15 sessions, there may be follow up sessions
      • Employed in wide variety of settings eg) medical patients preparing for surgery, people with anxiety disorders, people facing major life changes, professionals like nurses or those in the military
      • 1-Conceptualisation - relationship established between client and trainer, open questions used to increase client’s awareness of their existing strategies and resources. Trainer may help to re-conceptualise problem by breaking stressor down into smaller more manageable components
      • 2 - Skill acquisition - clients are helped to acquire coping skills and consolidate their existing ones, important that any barriers preventing them from using strategies are removed. Once taught strategies in a clinical setting, need to be practiced and generalised to real life settings to make them more useful
      • 3 - Application - client practices applying coping skills to variety of situations of increasing demand. Use techniques such as imagery, modelling and role-play, taught to prevent relapse by rehearsing situations in which stress might reappear. Taught to see relapses as learning opportunities, booster session might be organised to to ensure techniques are used appropriately


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