Is Military power largely obsolete

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  • Military Power is largely OBSOLETE
      • E: States are more likely to avoid war as the outcomes are too difficult to predict.
      • E: E.g. When the enemy if not identifiable.
        • Seen in the Brussels Attacks when ISIS wore normal civilians clothes (blending in the crowd) with 'Suicide Belts' .
        • Demonstrated in guerrilla tactics In Vietnam War- Vietnamese set bamboo traps.                 Afghanistan War- Afghan troops hid in mountains.
        • E: States are more likely to avoid war as the outcomes are too difficult to predict.
      • E: This is where states will not go to war with other states, if they trade with them, as it will affect their economies badly.
        • This means that states no longer have to achieve economic gains by conquest, due to the increase of globalisation.
        • E: E.g. The DELL Theory of Conflict Prevention  (Friedman) where states are becoming interconnected by trade.
          • Prevention of conflict.
          • E: E.g. Rise of neo- liberal institutionalism, such as the World Bank
            • They give loans to desperate countries, such as Indonesia, on the basis of the govts adopting neo liberal policies.
      • E: E.g. The DELL Theory of Conflict Prevention  (Friedman) where states are becoming interconnected by trade.
        • Prevention of conflict.
        • E: E.g. Rise of neo- liberal institutionalism, such as the World Bank
          • They give loans to desperate countries, such as Indonesia, on the basis of the govts adopting neo liberal policies.
    • P: COLD WAR
      • E: The Cold War never amounted to military power as it was a war between two competing ideologies: capitalism (USA) and communism (Russia).
      • E: The USA and Russia used smart power and fear to make gains (even though they built nuclear missiles).
    • P: Asymmetrical Wars
      • E: Superpowers and great powers are unable to wage war with a guaranteed likelihood of success.
      • E: E.g. Afghanistan War between 2003-2014: There was a failure to secure peace by the US in Afghanistan, which resulted in a different approach to democratisation.
      • E: Joseph Nye has argued that there has been a shift of power from hard to smart power, meaning there has been a rise of diplomacy, making military power redundant.
      • E:The USA failed to secure peace in Afghanistan which led to a different approach to democratisation.
      • E: The increase of cultural globalisation has led to the spread of democracy, due to the rise of technology and media.
      • E.g. Qatar News and Al Jazeera led to the revolution in the name of democracy, in the Middle East.
        • The media's enforcement of soft power led to dictators being overthrown, establishing free and fair elections in Tunisia, Egypt and Morrocco.


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