STM according to WMM

  • Created by: debbieoxt
  • Created on: 12-05-18 16:29
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  • STM according to WMM
    • Visuospatial sketchpad
      • Limited capacity, visual and/or spatial information is processed and stored here. Logie (1995) suggested subdivision. Visual cache - stores info about visual items. Inner scribe - for spatial relations, stores the arrangement of objects in the visual field.
    • Phonological loop
      • It has limited capacity. It deals with auditory information and preserves word order. Baddeley (1986) further subdivided it into the phonological store, which holds words heard for 1-2 seconds, and the articulatory process, which holds words heard/seen and silently repeats them like an inner voice. A kind of maintenance rehearsal.
    • Central Executive
      • The key component in the WMM. It drives the whole system. It has a very limited capacity, but is involved in general processing. The CE directs attention and resources to takes. Data arrives from the senses and CE has a supervisory role in deciding which data is allocated to the two slave systems and how they should function. Has the ability to deal and process which different types of memory info.
    • Episodic buffer
      • Baddeley (2000) added the episodic buffer as he realised that the model needed a more general store.CE has no storage capacity, PL and VSSP deal with specific types of info. EB is an extra storage system that deals with visual and acoustic info but has limited capacity. Integrates info from all other areas, including the LTM to make sense if info.


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