MMBFD #4 Threats Resulting From Alternatives to Marriage and Conventional Marriage (C. Living Apart Together -LAT)                        (C. Living Apart Together -LAT)

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  • Marriage Marital Breakdown and Family Decline                               (C. Living Apart Together -LAT)
    • Involves couples who do not live together but maintain a sexual relationship, and apart from the lack of co-residence, act as partners
    • Duncan and Phillips (2009)
      • If LAT (living apart together) is seen as an alternative lifestyle then it could be seen as a threat to marriage, suggesting that people prioritise autonomy over cohabitation
      • But if it is viewed as out of necessity then it will not pose a significant threat to marriage of family stability.
      • Distinguish between LAT'S (Living apart together) who are developing their relationship prior to possible cohabitation or marriage and partner LAT'S (living apart together) who see their relationship as long term but do not anticipate living together
    • British Social Attitudes Survey 2006
      • 40% or responders with a partner who was not a co-resident said they did not live together because they thought it was too early in the relationship.
      • Duncan and Phillips - suggested that this groiup can be seen as girlfriends and boyfriends and in this sense are invaded in quite a traditional relationship which may lead to cohabitation or marriage later.
      • found that 9% of the same adults said they have a partner they do no live with, representing about 25% of all those who were not living with a partner.
      • Reasons for living seperatly were general for example, a partner working or studying elsewhere, excessive cost of moving, wanting to keep their own home.


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