London Docklands

  • Created by: Natalie
  • Created on: 26-01-14 19:59
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  • London Docklands
    • Property-led regeneration
      • Physical, Social and economical regeneration of inner city areas using public money to attract private money
    • Success
      • Physical
        • 160000 trees
        • Thames Barrier Park- attractive public space
        • 17 conservation areas
      • Social
        • new housing
          • 8000 local authority homes refurbished
          • owner occupied houses 5% to 40%
        • recreational amentities
          • Indoor sports centre
          • Marina for watersports
        • Surrey Quays shopping centre
        • 120000 new jobs and unemployment fell from 14%-7%
      • Economical
        • Isle of Dogs enterprise zone
          • encourage private investment
          • providing financial leverages
        • London City Airport built along with Docklands Light Railway
        • Construstion of office blocks e.g. Canary Wharf
          • Attract businesses
            • encourage private investment
    • Failures
      • Wasn't in touch with local residents
        • esp. 1/2 of  new houses were very expensive
      • 75% of new jobs were from relocation of business from LDN to LDDC
        • Only 20% due to LDCC policy
      • Job losses due to mechanisation and computerisation
      • Population living in council housing- 28%-32%
      • 1996 survey
        • 22% said it made life worse
      • No investment in environment- no open spaces
      • Population increase without increase in housing


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