Living with volcanoes Japan and Indonesia

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  • Living with volcanoes
    • Japan
      • Tectonic Setting
        • 110 active volcanoes
        • Located at meeting of four tectonic plates
          • widespread subduction leads to volatile volcanic activity
      • Mount Ontake, Japan
        • Strato-volcano, on Japan's largest island Honshu.
        • 3000m, dormant until series of eruptions in 1980
          • followed by eruptions in 1991 and 2007
        • was a popular tourist destination for climbers and trekkers and a place of spiritual pilgrimage
        • 27 September 2014 violent eruption, killed 63 people
          • Large area of effect from lahars, ash fall, pyroclastic flow
          • Japanese priminister ordered the military to assist
          • Air space was closed for some time after the eruption
    • Indonesia
      • Archipelago straddling tectonic plate boundaries
        • Huge number of active volcanoes
        • More than  3/4 of Indonesia population live within 100km of recently erupted volcano
      • Endured more physical, monetary, and human damage because of volcanoes than any other country
      • Tectonic Setting
        • Widespread subduction along entire 3000km length
          • Much of Indonesia is island arc
        • To east of the islands, continental shelf of north Australia collides with Eurasia, very high seismicity and volcanicity.
        • Highly explosive eruptions - Krakatau 1883, devastating tsunami
      • Merapi
        • Strato-volcano ~ 3000m -> eruption events in 1994,97, 2001,06
          • All produced pyroclastic flows (3-4 VEI)
        • 2010 eruption VEI 4 -> pyroclastic flows extended 4km north, 11.5km west, 7km east, 15km south
          • Lava bombs thrown 4km from summit
            • lahars triggered causing closure of Yogyakarta airport
          • Over 367 people killed, 277 injured, 410,000 made refugees
            • infrastructure decimated


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