Life changes as a source of stress

  • Created by: lucyyi
  • Created on: 18-05-14 11:26
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  • Life changes as a source of stress
    • The SRRS
      • Holmes and Rahe (1967) developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale based on 43 life events from their analysis of over 5000 patient records
    • Rahe et al (1970)
      • A military version of the SRRS (SRE) was given to men aboard 3 navy ships - over 2700 men.
        • They filled out a questionnaire before a tour of duty noting all the life changes experienced over the last 6 months.
      • They found that men with low SRE scores also had low levels of illness at sea, and those with high scores high levels of illness.
        • As both positive and negative events are included in the SRRS, it appears that change rather than negativity is important.
    • Evaluation
      • Lazarus (1990) suggests that major life changes are rare, it is the daily hassels that are a more significant source of stress for most people.
      • DeLongis et al (1988) studied stress in 75 married couples. They gave couples a life events questionnaire and a hassles and uplifts scale.
        • The found no relationship between life evens and health, but did find a positive correlation between hassles and next day illnesses e.g. headaches, sore throats.
      • Individual differences
        • The SRRS ignores the fact that life changes will have a different significance for different people.
          • For example, the loss of a spouse would be undoubtedly painful for the surviving partner, but the death of an elderly spouse after a long and painful illness might not be quite so stressful on the partner.


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