US President Revision Cards

Successes and Failures of both Foreign and Domestic policy

  • Created by: Pedro
  • Created on: 27-10-11 11:03

William McKinley (1897-1901)


  • Didn't enforce Sherman Anti-Trust, so big business grew
  • Gold Standard Act (1900) aleviated monetary concerns
  • Dingley Act, brought tarrif rates to 50%, this was done to counteract the Wilson-Gorman Tarrif (1894) which lowered tarrifs
  • Was sympathetic to African-Americans and belived in equality


  • Agreed to annexation of Hawaii
  • Led American to war against the Spanish in Cuba
  • Also he gained Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philipines as a result of the Spanish-American War.

McKinley was assassinated in 1901.

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Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)


  • Supported mine workers in strike and got them more money for fewer hours
  • Meat Inspection Act (1906) and Pure Food and Drug Act
  • Gentlemen's Agreement, restrcited Japanese immagration
  • Supported conservation of natural resources
  • Introduced the Square Deal
  • Enforced Sherman-Anti Trust which led to the disullusion of the Standard Oil Company


  • Desired to build US Navy in an attempt to turn the US into a major force
  • In 1905, he issued a corollary to the Monroe Doctorine which meant the US could not only bar outside intervention in Latin American affairs but would also police the area and guarantee that countries there met their international obligations.

  • Began connstruction of the Panama canal
  • Portsmouth Peace Conference

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Grover Cleveland (1885-89) and (1893-7)


  • In 1887 decided to modernize the navy
  • Panic of 1893 caused an economic depression, which Cleveland satablilised with the Sherman Silver Purchase Act
  • Introduced Wilson-Gorman Tarrif which reduced tarrif rates
  • Cleveland used troops to quell the Pullman Strike, where 125,000 railroad workers walked out over low wages and 12 hour days


  • Between 1885-89 he was a commited non-interventionist and campaigned against exapansion
  • Extended Chinese Exclusion Act which meant once a Chinese immigrant had left they could not come back
  • He was against the idea of the annexation of Hawaii
  • Venezuela crisis with Britain - US became involved due to Monroe Doctorine
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William Taft (1909-1913)


  • Trust busting, which led to Standard Oil, American Tobacco Company, Sugar Trust and US Steel and being split up
  • Accepted the Payne-Aldrich Tarrif
  • Was a firm believer in conseravtion
  • Mann-Elkins Aact (1910) meant the Congress could suspend or fix railroad taxes
  • Bureau of Labour and Department of Commerce was split apart
  • Broadened civil service protection


  • Purused dollar diplomacy which encouraged investment in the Far East, Carribean and South and Central America
  • Sent troops to Nicaragua to stablize the US supporting regieme
  • Sent troops to Mexican border to stand ready to intervene, but backed off
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Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)


  • Federal Reserve Act (1913)
  • Lowered tarrifs with Underwood Tarrif (1913)
  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914)
  • Federal Trade Comission which stopped unfair trade practicies
  • To counter the opposition to the US' involvement in WWI, Wilson passed the Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act (1918)
  • Passed immigration act in 1918,


  • From 1914-17 tried to keep US out of WWI - won 1916 general election with slogan of "He kept us out of war"
  • However in 1917 the US entered the war to "make the world safe for democracy"
  • Wilsons Fourteen Points
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