Foreign Policy

  • Created by: bribri99
  • Created on: 21-01-17 17:05
The use of a country's financial power to extend their international influence
dollar diplomacy
1 of 11
This state was annexed in 1898, during the Spanish-American War
2 of 11
An extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating America would get involved with an American republic threatened by a European country
roosevelt's corollary
3 of 11
Cuba became an American protectorate because of this
platt amendment
4 of 11
A territorial dispute between the US and Britain (Canada), that Roosevelt resolved
alaskan boundary dispute
5 of 11
Roosevelt intervened between France and Germany during this
moroccan crisis
6 of 11
Roosevelt mediated when Russia tried to take Manchuria from the Japanese
russian-japanese war
7 of 11
Wilson's Secretary of State
William Jennings Bryan
8 of 11
Wilson recognised the new national government in this country in 1912
9 of 11
Wilson inerevened in this country in 1914 to overthrow the dictator's power, but instead increased it
10 of 11
The dictator Wilson tried to overthrow in 1914
11 of 11

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Card 2


This state was annexed in 1898, during the Spanish-American War



Card 3


An extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating America would get involved with an American republic threatened by a European country


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Cuba became an American protectorate because of this


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Card 5


A territorial dispute between the US and Britain (Canada), that Roosevelt resolved


Preview of the front of card 5
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