Language Acquisition - learning to read

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  • Language Acquisition - learning to read
    • three main approaches to teaching of reading
      • The phonics approach - involves looking at letters and combinations in terms of sounds, words split up e.g. cow would be split in to c/o/w said separately. has been criticised as doesn't focus on meaning of words only the sounds and letters
      • The 'loo' and 'say' approach - also known as whole word approach, involves recognising words by sight alone, rather than braking down into phonemes. focus on meaning of words, recognise common words e.g. see, requires children to remember large number of words, doesn't give skills to work out sound or meaning of unfamiliar words.
      • The psycholinguistics approach - natural development - being in environment where books are read, values and available, gives reader responsibility or working out word meaning rather than being told. If cant read word, look at pictures and clues to work it out. focus on meaning. it is criticised as leaves a lot to chance
    • stages of reading
      • Pre -school - up to age 5 - take part in activites to prepare them for reading, create own stories, identify individual letters, match some sounds to letters
      • between 5 and 6 years old - increase number of letter-sound matches they know, English books, read left to right and top to bottom, recognise frequently used words
      • between 6 and 7 years old - read stories familiar with, range of reading strategies, sound out words phonetically if stuck, know words more by sight, break down words, start to read fluently
      • between 7 and 8 years old - read more fluently, vocabulary continue to increase, use reading strategies accurately (predicting words coming next) , better working out individual sounds


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