Jesus - OCR RE GCSE 9-1

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    • TITLES
      • 'Messiah'
        • 'anointed one'
          • Jesus is anointed with oil in Mark 14:3-9
        • In Mark 14:61-62, a high priest asks Jesus, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?" to which Jesus replies, "I am."
        • Jews believed that the Messiah would be "triumphant and victorious, but humble and riding on a donkey" (Zechariah 9:9)
          • Jews also believed that "he will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples." Most Jews hoped that he'd be like one of the old kings of Israel and many thought he'd help them to fight and destroy the Romans.
          • Christians believe that Jesus' life fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies but he came as the Messiah for all people, not just the Jews. His kingdom and rule was not a military one, but a spiritual one.
      • 'Son of God'
        • Christians may refer to Jesus as the 'Son of God' because they believe that He was God incarnated and was conceived by the Holy Spirit
      • 'Lord' and 'Savior'
        • Christians refer to Jesus as their Savior because they believe He was sent by God the Father to take the punishment for all human sin and to restore the broken relationship between God and humanity (which was ruined by the Fall).
        • In the New Testament, Paul says that declaring Jesus as 'Lord' is the route to salvation (Romans 10:9). Acknowledging Jesus as Lord means that Christians are recognising his divine authority and are willing to submit to his rule in their lives.
      • Jesus is God incarnate.
        • hypostatic union of Christ
        • Shows Christians what to believe and practise
      • The logos became human in the person of Jesus
      • Helps Christians to have a personal relationship with God and relate to him
      • Shows God's omnibenevolence and omnipotence
      • Belief in Jesus being God incarnate is unique to Christians and sets Christianity apart from other religions
      • The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)
        • The sermon starts with Jesus explaining the qualities that people need to develop, providing Christians with guidance on how to live as God wants.
          • This part of the sermon is often called 'the Beatitudes' (meaning 'the blessings')
            • In the 6th Beatitude, Jesus tells people to be 'pure in heart.' Kind actions should not be done for show. Your thoughts and intentions are just as important as your actions.
      • Agape
        • Selfless love - unconditional love for others rather than yourself. Sometimes called 'Christian love' because it is the type of love that Jesus encouraged.
      • The Christian ideal
        • The way Jesus lived provides an example which Christians seek to follow.
      • Crucifixion
        • The Catholic Church uses crucifixes in worship, emphasising the death and sacrifice of JEsus
          • The Church places great importance on the salvation that can be achieved through Jesus' death, the forgiveness of sins and the new covenant that Jesus formed between man and God.
      • Ascension
        • Jesus returns to heaven
          • Signals the end of his earthly ministry and success in his earthly work
          • Sets the pattern for Jesus' return
      • Resurrection
        • Jesus comes back to life
          • Demonstrates God's power
          • Validates Jesus' identity and his authority and teachings
          • Shows Christians that death is not the end
      • Salvation means saving from sin and its consequence, believed by Christians to be gained through faith in Jesus.
      • Atonement means making up for something. In Christianity, Jesus atoned for the sins of humanity through his sacrafice
      • Jesus had to be the sacrifice because he was both human and divine, allowing him to overcome sin and death.
      • Jesus did away with the need to offer blood sacrifices (which Jews used to do) because he offered himself as the 'final sacrifice'
      • Previously, Jewish laws had set impossible standards, effectively condemning humanity. Yet under this New Covenant, all people can receive complete forgiveness by repentance and faith in Jesus.
        • Christians are no longer saved by their own efforts or obedience to the law, but through the grace of God








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